Driver Management

Driver Management is a feature set that gives Asset Managers the ability to generate and maintain accurate records related to the use of assets, and can also be used to keep labor logs for those employees exclusively responsible for operating Assets. Through assignment, auditing, and logs, managers have a system that can tell them who was operating an asset on any given date or time, down to the minute, assuming proper use. This can be helpful for determining responsibility during an incident reported after the fact, and can also help track and assess driver performance when compared to other logs available at the Asset level.


Drivers are actually asset operators, and are called Drivers because the Driver Management feature set was created for regulatory compliance needs of portal users. Because the majority of operator activity with regard to Assets is vehicle-related, the Driver feature set caters to the needs of Driver Management that many organizations employ to meet regulatory demands or to facilitate accounting practices for freelancers.

Drivers exist in the Portal as an entity that can be assigned to Assets, and who can log into that Asset as a Driver type either from the Asset or through the portal. Each Driver, when logged in, is able to generate and store logs, and the activity of the Asset while that Driver is logged in can be tied back for use with other features like advanced reports.

Driver Fields

  • First Name: of the Driver
  • Last Name: of the Driver
  • Username: used when logging in on supported devices (like Garmin)
  • Password: used when logging in on supported devices (like Garmin)
  • __Duress Password: unique to Drivers, the duress password can be used when logging in if the Driver needs a discreet way to signal emergency or danger. Managers will receive emergency alerts if a Duress Password is used.
  • iButton ID:
  • Phone number:
  • Blood type: non-functional field that allows users to access Driver information and relay to medical personnel in the event of an emergency
  • License number: driver’s license number
  • License expiration: driver’s license expiration
  • License restriction: any special restrictions (corrective lenses, etc) noted on the license
  • Manager: non-functional field that allows users to identify the Driver’s manager
  • Emergency contact: non-functional field, allows users to input a contact person that managers can use if the Driver has an emergency
  • Emergency contact number: non-functional field, allows users to input a phone number that managers can use if the Driver has an emergency
  • Photo: users can upload a photo to the Driver’s file. Common photos are of the Driver, or the Driver’s relevant licenses.

Managing Drivers

In the Manage Module, users can select Drivers to see a list of the Drivers available to Assets in the portal. The list will display the name and username of the Driver and the date the Driver was added to the portal. Users will have the option to create, edit, and delete Drivers from this interface as well.

Driver Status Templates

Drivers often need to report status as part of their logging requirements, and the portal supports the creation of standard templates that the Driver can select in a single click that logs automatically instead of requiring a special note each time the same Status has been entered. The most common status template options are active, off duty, resting, delayed, delivering, waylaid, and in distress.

Driver Status Template Fields

When creating Driver Status Templates, users will be prompted for the following information:

Name: of the status template

Status: name of the Status to be included

Is Log Off?: (Y/N) toggle that stipulates whether selecting the Status will mark the Driver as Logged Off. When the Driver logs off, the Trip created from the most recent Log in will end.

Add Driver Status: button that allows users to add more Status options to the template

Delete: allows users to delete one of the Status options from the template

Managing Driver Status Templates

In the Manage Module, users can select Driver Status Templates to see a list of the templates available to Assets in the portal. The list will display the number of options and the number of Assets to which that template has been assigned.

Driver and Driver Status Template Assignment

Before a Driver can begin logging activity and statuses with an Asset, the Driver has to be assigned to that Asset. The same is true of Driver Status Templates. Any number of Drivers may be assigned to the same Asset, but each Asset can be assigned only one Driver Status Template.

To assign a Driver to an Asset, use the following steps:

  1. Open the Assets module.
  2. Open the Asset to which you wish to assign the Driver by clicking the cog button next to its name in the List Panel.
  3. From the Asset Options, select Edit Asset.
  4. Open the tab labeled Driver.
  5. Under the Drivers section, click the boxes next to the Driver(s) you wish to assign to the Asset.
  6. Click Save Changes.

To assign a Driver Status Template to an Asset, use the following steps:

  1. Open the Assets module.
  2. Open the Asset to which you wish to assign the Driver Status Template by clicking the cog button next to its name in the List Panel.
  3. From the Asset Options, select Edit Asset.
  4. Open the tab labeled Driver.
  5. In the Driver Status Template drop-down menu, select the template you wish to assign to that Asset.
  6. Click Save Changes.

Once a Driver and a Driver Status Template have been assigned to an Asset, that Driver can log into the Asset from the device (if supported), or users can manually log the Driver in using the portal, and set their Status using the Set Driver Status tool from the Asset Options tab. For supported devices, Drivers can also set their Status from the device using the options from the Status Template assigned to the device.

Driver Logging

Once assigned to Assets, Drivers will be able to log in to those Assets while operating them, and in doing so will generate logs of their activity while logged in. All reported activity from the Asset while the Driver is logged in will be kept in the Driver Logs for that Asset, which can be accessed at any time from the Asset Details panel under Logs. Additionally, users can run Reports from the Reports Module for Driver Activity and Driver Logs.

Driver Logs - Viewing

From any Asset, users can open the Driver Log using the following steps:

  1. Open the Assets module.
  2. Open the Asset whose Logs you wish to view by clicking the cog button next to its name in the List Panel.
  3. From the Asset Options tab, select the Logs Menu option.
  4. Open the Driver Log from the list of Log options.

Once opened, users will be able to view all Driver activity for the Asset, listed in Trips (log-in/start to log-out/end sessions). Users will see the date and time each logged Trip started and ended, as well as the Status that ended the Trip, if there are multiple “Is Log Out” options on the Template. Users will also see the duration of the Trip, any notes, and the option to Replay the Trip.

Trip Replay

The Replay Trip option in the Driver Log provides users a shortcut to the Asset’s History view, with only the reported positions from the Trip selected. It will walk users through the progression of those reported positions in chronological order on the map view.