FBB Tracker

Data Usage Profile

The FBBTracker uses UDP packets to transmit its location every 5 minutes. Since the airtime usage is so low, the fixed reporting rate of 5 minutes consumes less than 1MB of traffic per month if the PDP context is left open. There is a minimum billing increment per open PDP context so leaving the connection open is greatly preferred.

Each position report consumes 2 packets, one from the vessel to the ground, and a return acknowledgment.

Outbound FBBTracker To Portal:

Size of Ethernet frame - 24 Bytes

Size of IPv4 Header (without any options) - 20 bytes

Size of UDP header - 8 bytes

Size of FBBTracker packet - 25 bytes

Total size of UDP datagram - 24 + 20 + 8 + 25 = 77 bytes

Return Acknowledgement from Portal To FBBTracker:

Size of Ethernet frame - 24 Bytes

Size of IPv4 Header (without any options) - 20 bytes

Size of UDP header - 8 bytes

Size of Acknowledgement packet - 2 bytes

Total size of Acknowledgement UDP datagram - 24 + 20 + 8 + 2 = 54 bytes

Grand total airtime consumption per report - 54 + 77: 131 bytes

Total airtime consumption per month 131 bytes * 12 reports per hour * 24 hours * 31 days = 1,169,568 bytes or ~1.2MB


Traffic destination can be updated through the web console -> Administration -> System -> Scheduled Tasks -> tracking (ip) (port)